Rev. Rebecca Luter - Head PastorWelcome to Farmington Presbyterian Church and Day School!

I hope that you will find the information here you are seeking. I have been pastor of Farmington since April 14, 2014. I am truly excited about being in ministry with this wonderful church family and we would love to have you come and see what God is doing at Farmington!

As far as Presbyterian Churches go, we are very young – founded in 1975. Yet our history is rich, and God has been doing some wonderful things throughout our journey. Like most churches and people, we have had our ‘ups and downs’ but the Holy Spirit has never left us, and our vision for the future is strong indeed. We are in the midst of an exciting time of growth and renewal as we continue to learn what it means to love God, follow Jesus, and be guided by the Holy Spirit.

I came to Farmington after serving on staff at a large church for 14 years. I was concerned about the opportunities and programs my children would miss in a small congregation. However, I have found that my children have not missed any opportunities or programs because even though Farmington is a relatively small congregation, it is an active congregation. In fact, they have gained the benefit of close relationships with peers that were not possible in the larger church. Farmington has a deep sense of being a family, and I hope you will feel as “at home” at Farmington as I have and my family has.

In all things – our worship, our music, our educational opportunities for all ages, our mission outreach near and far, our fellowship, and our stewardship – we seek to glorify God and live together as brothers and sisters in Christ. If you have any questions about Farmington Presbyterian Church, or if you have any pastoral needs of any kind, please contact the church office or me. We are pleased that you came by and explored who we are. Come back again – or better yet, join us for worship! May God bless you richly!

Grace and peace,
Rev. Rebecca Luter