*Currently on hiatus while we await our associate pastor


Middle school and high school present difficult challenges for young people entering adulthood. The Sunday school answers that once seemed simple truths are retested in light of new experiences and trials. We seek to be a place where young people are encouraged to interpret God’s will for their lives in open and honest dialogue with faithful adult friends guided by the Holy Spirit. We long to be a place where youth are given opportunities to serve others in significant ways and experience peace in light of Christ’s redeeming life, death, and resurrection.

Sunday School 10am-10:50

As you can imagine the story told by the scriptures is a difficult one to follow over 66 books written by several different authors over the course of 1500 years.  What took so long?  Why is God so slow to action?  What do these stories tell us about God and ourselves? Our Sunday school time is a combined effort of Junior high concrete thinkers and Senior high abstract thinkers to draw out the meaning behind each story as we chronologically make our way through the Bible.

Youth Fellowship 2pm – 4pm

You can live your life moving from one predictable event to the next without stepping out of comfort, security, and predictability.  Our Sunday Nights are about breaking the routine; adjusting our focus each week so that we can see the needs and concerns, joys and accomplishments of those we often over look.  Here we open our imaginations to explore the Scriptures.  We interpret what happens in the story as we read. Finally, we invest the lesson we receive from God’s Word by practicing what we discovered.