
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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January 30 2022

Rules and Rights

In Christ we are free to do anything, but not everything is beneficial.

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January 24 2022

Is Christ Divided?

What brothers or sisters do you divide yourself from because of their doctrine or their theology or their politics or their stance on social issues? If you follow Jesus, and they follow Jesus, are they not your brother or sister? How could they not be? I invite you to begin to pray this question, “Is Christ divided?” How are you called to live in unity with others without demanding uniformity?

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January 02 2022

The Word Became Flesh

The Creator of all that is chose to become one of us, to have our limitations, to experience our joys and our sorrows, to feel our pain, so we could see how much we are loved.

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December 05 2021

Wrapped in Serenity

The peace that wrapped the world was the peace of serenity, as Mary and Joseph didn’t know what the next day would bring, but they knew that God was with them. The peace that wrapped the world was the peace of knowing, the peace of faith that is sure that the powers of this world do not have the last word. The peace of faith that is confident that God is at work in this world and that justice will be done. The peace of faith that believes God uses us to change the world.

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November 28 2021

Wrapped and Ready

Jesus is not giving his disciples a puzzle to solve about the end times. He is teaching them, and us, that bad things are going to happen. Some of them will happen to us, but we will not face them alone. The One who is our redemption draws near in the midst of the chaos of this life, wrapping us in hope.

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November 14 2021

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Stewardship is not about the amount of your pledge. It is about gratitude for the blessings in your life and the love in your heart that overflows in generosity.

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November 07 2021

The Blessing of Choices

There was a widespread cultural assumption that wealth was a sign of God’s favor. Jesus stood there, looking at the man, loving him, and if Jesus had been from the South, he would have said, “Bless your heart.”

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October 31 2021

The Blessing of Blessing

She tucked her coins in the pocket of her apron and set out for the Temple....She caught Jesus’s attention, not because she was trying to get people’s attention, like the others, but because she wasn’t.

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October 24 2021

Blessed to Be Heard

Through all the shouting and the noise, through the crowd, Jesus heard him. And he stopped. Love is listening.

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