
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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August 02 2020

Back to Basics: Our Purpose Is Clear

We find ourselves in a new world. As we hope for a "new normal," we may wonder what the church's role is. Why church? Why is there church? Why do we need church? What is the purpose or the point of church?

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July 19 2020

Will You Be Floor or Rafter?

God’s house is a place of welcome, of grace and love, growth and faith, a place of tears of sorrow and joy,…God’s house is a community. And in God’s house, we all have a place, and whether floor or rafter, we are all essential.

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July 12 2020

A Dwelling Place for God

Disruption causes God’s faithful to seek God, and we find that God pitches a tent wherever we are.

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July 05 2020

Life in Community

Life in community requires boundaries.

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June 28 2020

A Way When There’s No Way

We don’t know exactly the path that the Israelites took from Egypt to the Promised Land. We do...

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June 21 2020

Ah, Remember the Fleshpots?

The reliability, the predictability,…normal. We just want to get back to normal.

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June 14 2020

Into the Unknown

The pandemic created disruption, and whenever there is societal disruption, we enter a liminal space, we find ourselves at a threshold, leaving what was and preparing to go toward a new normal.

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June 07 2020

I Have Heard Their Cry

My friends, there are fires that are burning that are not going to go out – because their fuel will not be consumed. God is in them. Will we notice and go over? God is just waiting to call us. To say to us, “I have heard my people cry.”

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May 31 2020

Choose to Rejoice

Whenever things don’t go the way we anticipated, whenever our anxieties or frustrations or addictions threaten to overwhelm us, in every moment of disappointment, we have a choice to make.

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