
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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March 10 2019

He Was Questioned for Healing

Three stories of restoration. An untouchable, a paralyzed man, a tax collector.

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March 03 2019

The Glory of the Lord

This is how you capture the experience of the glory of the Lord. This is how you share it with others. Listen to Jesus. Listen to him, and you will begin to shine, too.

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February 24 2019

Enjoying the Water

Almost all of our most important decisions are made on faith. When we focus on our risks and our doubts, on our own ability to row ourselves back to land, instead of our possibilities and our hopes, we never set sail.

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February 17 2019

Trusting the Wind

Jesus promises, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.” Lean into the wind, and you will not capsize. At first, it will feel scary, but then you will get used to it, and even enjoy it, maybe even crave it.

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February 10 2019

Reading the Map

Sailing and seeking wisdom in Scripture both require basic skills that can be mastered only with practice.

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February 03 2019

Changing Direction

Every one of us has been called. Each one of us has a life to live that makes the world more just, more peaceful, more loving.

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January 27 2019

Adjusting Your Sail

God does not hand us problems to handle based on our ability to deal with them, the storms of life come to us all. The promise in the storm is that we are never left alone to handle our problems.

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January 20 2019

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

The ordinary becomes extraordinary when we do as Jesus teaches us. This is the life of discipleship.

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January 13 2019

Do You Know Whose You Are?

The flood waters had come and the river had swept Fayette into deep water; she was in over her head, but Fayette knew she was not in that water alone. She knew who she was and whose she was.

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