
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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March 25 2018

The Time Has Come

When we hear “The time has come” what are we hoping for? There were two parades that day – one of might and power and force proclaiming its dominance as it came on war horses, and one of humility and meekness and invitation proclaiming it came in peace. Which do we choose?

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March 18 2018

A Lavish Love

Mary’s entire focus is on Jesus. She lavishly pours out her love for him with no regard for custom or the thoughts of those watching. Jesus knows by Mary’s action that she understands what is to come.

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March 04 2018

Come into the Light

“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up...

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February 25 2018

A Second Birth

What you are searching for in the dark, Nicodemus, is God. But you won’t find God in rules and laws. You have been searching for a checklist – something you can grasp and control. But God won’t be captured.

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February 18 2018

The Temple

Jesus’ passion and love overcome him, and he is angry. He drives out the sheep and oxen, pours out the coins of the money-changers, and overturns their tables. This scene doesn’t match the image many of us have of Jesus. We tend to picture him as calm and gentle. Rather than focusing on how we see Jesus, though, to really see this scene we need to focus on what those who were there saw.

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February 11 2018

The Messiah

Our obedience to God’s commands is the only proof of our love, and we fall short. Because Jesus is the Son of God, we know that God understands our joys and our sorrows and knows how difficult his commandments are to keep.

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February 04 2018

There Is No Fear in Love

God IS love. God is not stalking us to catch us doing something wrong. God is not waiting anxiously to judge and punish us.

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January 28 2018

In the World, Of the Spirit

The fellowship we seek is the fellowship of spiritual relationships.

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January 21 2018

Clearing the Way for Unity

If we say our lives are light, we are the only ones who don’t acknowledge the darkness in ourselves.

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