
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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December 04 2016

Adjusting to the Light

It was as hard to believe then as it is now. Hope for peace and unity in the world were as bleak as they are now. And the people had adjusted to the darkness.

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November 27 2016

The Joy of Children

The story of God coming to be with God’s people is not over yet.

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November 20 2016

And You, Child

As Zechariah stood there in the Temple with his newborn son, hope surged up in him. He saw this child through God’s eyes – full of possibility, full of promise. God is not through with us yet.

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November 13 2016

Spontaneous Generosity

Paul writes that God has conquered the world of darkness and slavery and sin, but God won't force an exodus on us even if it is to God's Kingdom of unconditional love where all are spontaneously generous.

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November 06 2016

The Strength of God’s Home

In every life, in every church, in every age there are times our boat travels through storms, and gets tossed to and fro, and is like a small boat in a turbulent waterway.

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October 30 2016

We Will Make Our Home

When heaven and earth meet in us, God makes his home in us and God’s story continues to be written.

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October 22 2016

Lord, Listen…Send Us

Jesus is giving instructions on how to organize ourselves as his disciples.

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October 02 2016

God’s Household

With whom are you estranged?

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September 25 2016

Where Will You Make Your Home?

So many of the people we interact with on a daily basis have chosen to dwell just outside our doors.

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