
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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January 22 2017

Just One Thing

The poor in spirit and those who mourn come with empty hands and aching hearts seeking the expanse of God’s grace.

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January 15 2017

And he began to teach them…

Jesus is not teaching how to achieve a state of euphoric happiness. Jesus wasn’t giving a talk on how to be happy. He sees the crowds. He sees us. He sees our need. He sees our hunger. He sees our struggle. He sees our desire. And he begins to teach…”God expands his grace, blessed are those who...

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January 08 2017

Named. Claimed. Well-Pleased.

God’s way is to bring the music that we have been expecting all along one fragile instrument at a time.

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January 01 2017

What Gives Life Meaning?

We cannot delete the story of Herod from the story of Jesus’ birth because the hightail bolt to Egypt, a place no Israelite ever wanted to go again, tells us that Emmanuel, God-with-us, didn’t come to have a comfortable life, didn’t come to a life that was privileged, didn’t come to a life that was untouched by injustice and violence – Jesus, God-with-us, came to be with us where the pain is, to know the brokenness of this world, to experience the powers of darkness.

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December 25 2016

Rise Up

Whenever an angel appears to a person, the first words they speak are “Do not fear.” Angels scare people; they deliver messages from God about how your life is about to change.

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December 24 2016

The Sound of Joy

The gap between ideal and real is the noise that threatens to drown our joy.

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December 18 2016

Kneeling in Darkness

Destabilized, frustrated, unsettled…yes, the world is dark. In the darkness, stop and listen. Advent is a season for being silent so that we can hear. As we listen, we hear what God has to say to us. Come, even in the darkness of the world, to kneel at the manger of the Light of the World.

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December 11 2016

What’s Missing?

The people were no a lot different than we are today. They wanted more. Something was missing. And when there is a God-sized hole in your life, it is tempting to fill it with stuff and things. We try to create joy through self-indulgence.

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December 04 2016

Adjusting to the Light

It was as hard to believe then as it is now. Hope for peace and unity in the world were as bleak as they are now. And the people had adjusted to the darkness.

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