
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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November 19 2023

Three More Encounter Jesus

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Listen Read

November 12 2023

To Be Like Jesus = To Be Compassionate

Jesus offered a different way, the way of compassion.

Listen Read

November 05 2023

Calm in the Storm

When we are in the middle of the story and about to drown, either we cry out to God and throw ourselves onto the life raft of God’s peace that is beyond human reason, or we are left at the mercy of the storm.

Listen Read

October 29 2023

Soli Deo Gloria

"Wherever the gospel is preached, this woman’s story will be told." - Jesus

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October 22 2023

Unless You Are Without Sin…

“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” - Jesus

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October 01 2023

The Dangers of Stagnant Water

It’s not about when or how or where God is worshiped, it’s about how YOU worship. It is about your spirit as you worship.

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September 24 2023

God Claims You as a Dependent

Love and trust God with all of your heart. Put God before everything and everyone else. It feels risky, but it is the only way to the ultimate security of God's Kingdom.

Listen Read

September 17 2023

What Do You Want Me to Do?

When we encounter Jesus, he doesn’t just heal our blindness without checking to see whether we WANT to see.

Listen Read

September 10 2023

When the Wine Runs Out

The promise for us is that God is still transforming and blessing whenever we follow Mary’s instruction, “Do whatever he (Jesus) tells you.”

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