
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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September 27 2015

Pleasing in God’s Sight

Habakkuk addresses the theological question of theodicy, justifying the righteousness of God in circumstances of great evil. The...

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September 20 2015

Sing Me to Heaven

As the people of God sing, we connect more deeply with our hearts and our minds to our story. We understand more fully who we are and whose we are.

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September 13 2015

Part of God’s Household

Here, at the Baptismal Font, we answer the question “Who am I?” You belong to God. You are a member of the household of God.

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September 06 2015

What about My Blessed Assurance?

Jesus says, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless that person is born again.”

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August 30 2015

That’s My Seat

We have different gifts, different kinds of service, different kinds of working, but they are all given by the same Spirit, done to serve the same Lord, and in and through them the same God is at work.

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August 23 2015

Why Worship?

What is happening in the church’s worship? After all, why do you come? Out of habit? To see your friends? To satisfy a sense of requirement? Why are you here this morning? What motivated you to come here instead of stay home? Or enjoy a favorite hobby? What do you expect to happen? Really, what happens in worship?

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August 16 2015

Faith and Practice

Scriptures are God-breathed. They are the Word: the same Word that spoke and there was light and the same Word that became flesh and breathed in a stable in Bethlehem. All Scripture is inspired by God.

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August 09 2015

Being an Example

Be an example in your speech and conduct: in agape love, in faithful loyalty, and in honest and honorable purity.

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August 02 2015

The Presence of God

Everyday, all around us, God is present, in common things.

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