
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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July 24 2022

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Jesus had stepped away to pray, as he often did, and when he returned, one of his disciples asked him to teach them to pray like he did.

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July 03 2022

Love that Never Gives Up

The consequences are clear. And yet…God remembers what was, acknowledges what is, and cannot give up on what could be. God’s love just won’t give up.

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June 27 2022

The Spirit of Hospitality

Hospitality is about the heart, about sharing who you are and what you have.

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June 19 2022

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a legacy is about honoring the past, assessing God’s call in the present, and casting a vision for the future.

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June 12 2022

Living Abundantly

Life comes in cycles. Plenty and famine. In times of plenty, those who are wise live below their blessing and save for times of famine. Abundant living requires wise saving and investing – financially, relationally, and spiritually.

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June 05 2022

In Jesus’s Name

“Whatever you ask in my name - whatever you ask with the same heart of compassion I have - will be granted you.” - Jesus

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May 22 2022

In All Things, Pray

It is in those times that we are weak, that we are not able to pray for ourselves, that we need someone else to pray for us.

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May 15 2022

If You’re Holding Heaven, Then Spread It Around

What you believe must impact how you live, or you don’t really believe.

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May 08 2022

Mirror Images

The letter of James offers us a mirror to see ourselves and see the reflection of the upside down, Kingdom-way that Jesus taught. The first chapter really contains 3 sermons: When bad things happen, what are we supposed to believe? What is wrong with being wealthy? How can you know if someone is really a Christian?

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