
Explore Messages from past services

Feel free to peruse this collection of sermons given by Rev. Rebecca Luter and visiting pastors and preachers at Farmington Presbyterian.  Have a favorite message or want to hear one again?  Missed a Sunday?  Or maybe you simply want to know more about us.  Listen, download, read, and share freely.

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February 19 2023

How Shall We Worship?

Solomon prayed before the altar. “There is no God like you. You keep your covenant of love with your servants. But will you really dwell on earth? The heavens cannot contain you. How much less can this temple that I have built! Now, my God, may your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place!” This is the climax, the mountaintop moment, of the whole Old Testament.

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February 12 2023

How Does God Speak to Us?

God doesn’t always speak to us audibly or clearly. We hear in Samuel’s story several ways God speaks to us.

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February 05 2023

The Stewardship of God’s Gifts

What do we learn from Samson? Four things: 1. God doesn’t force us to use our gifts, but we have them because God sees how they can be part of God’s will being accomplished. 2. We learn that God is faithful even when we are faithless. 3. We learn that faith often grows when we are weakest. 4. And grace. We learn that we can ignore God and break God’s law, and yet, when we cry out, God responds. And God will take the flawed, disobedient lives of people and work through them, even despite them, to make them heroes of the faith, to bring about God’s beloved community, the Kingdom of God.

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January 31 2023

Rooted in Ritual

Who do I want to be? How do I want to live?

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January 29 2023

How God’s Will Is Done

The names of the people through whom God works. These are the people who are part of God’s plan unfolding.

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January 15 2023

“How did we come to be? How did we come to be this way?”

Genesis 1 tells us about the nature of God. God graciously invites things into being. In Genesis 2 we not only learn how we came to be, but how we came to be this way. The first human beings disobeyed God.

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January 08 2023

Let Us Keep Seeking

Epiphanies - Recalling moments of wonder, places where humanity and God meet.

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January 01 2023

Children of God

What was extraordinary was the reason Jesus was born - he was born to redeem us, so that we can be adopted by God.

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December 11 2022

There’s Courage for Every Choice

It is easy for us to miss the faithful courage required of Mary and Joseph; faithful courage that can be an example to us when faced with difficult decisions.

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